After a fast, bruising passage all six teams had finished safely within a couple of hours, ready to wait until the passage of a violent storm forecast mid-week in the Bay of Biscay. All kept up a good pace over the 320 mile-long course in demanding conditions with gusts of 45 knots in squalls and choppy seas.
It was after the Point du Raz when they tacked and eased sheets first that the very experienced Solidaires en Peloton duo opened up more than 10 miles on their pursuers who were held in the strong tidal currents.
English born Luke Berry and Antoine Joubert, relative newcomers to the class on the older Rire Médecin-Lamotte still finished just a quarter of an hour after the winners of this first stage. The race to Martinique will be decided over accumulated elapsed time.
The brand new Primonial (Rogues-Gellée) took third place provisionally an hour later ahead of Viabilis (Quiroga-Treussart) and Koesio (Le Roux-Orgereau). The very new RÉALITÉS (Cahierc-Chapellier), which completed the boat’s first offshore racing miles brought up the rear of the fleet of 50-foot trimarans.
Now they have to wait until the horrendous conditions associated with a very deep low have passed.
Thibaut Vauchel Camus said, “It was very intense but we are pleased to be here now. There were some great sights. It was a good way to ease ourselves into this race. Now, we’re going to have to adapt to the situation. We can’t wait to get going again.”
Ocean Fifty Le Havre to Lorient times are local HF.
1- SOLIDAIRES EN PELOTON (Thibaut VAUCHEL-CAMUS et Quentin VLAMYNCK) Finished 10:01:47hrs, Elapsed time 20h 44mn 47sec
Finished 10:46:49hrs Elapsed time 21h 29mn 49sec
3- PRIMONIAL (Sébastien ROGUES / Jean-Baptiste GELLEE) Finished 11:47:11hrs
Elapsed time 22h 30mn 11secs
4- VIABILIS OCEANS (Pierre QUIROGA / Ronan TREUSSART) Finished 12:09:49hrs
Elapsed time 0j 22h 52mn 49sec
5- KOESIO (Erwan LE ROUX / Audrey OGEREAU)
Finished 13:18:25hrs Elapsed time 1j 0h 1mn 25sec
6- REALITES (Fabrice CAHIERC / Aymeric CHAPPELLIER) Finished 13:54:05hrs Elapsed time 1j 0h 37mn 5sec